Titan Mail
Email professionnel avec tous les outils essentiels pour inspirer confiance, renforcer votre marque et projeter une image professionnelle.
- 10GB / account
- Webmail, iOS and Android apps
- Inbuilt Calendar and Contacts
- Email forwarding
- Multi-account Support
- 50 Read Receipts
- Undo Send
- Block Sender
- Allowlist
- Email Aliases
- Auto-reply
- Advanced Anti-spam and Anti-virus
- ✔️ 50GB / account
- ✔️ Webmail, iOS and Android apps
- ✔️ Inbuilt Calendar and Contacts
- ✔️ Email forwarding
- ✔️ Multi-account Support
- ✔️ Unlimited Read Receipts
- ✔️ Undo Send
- ✔️ Block Sender
- ✔️ Allowlist
- ✔️ Email Aliases
- ✔️ Auto-reply
- ✔️ Advanced Anti-spam and Anti-virus
- ✔️ Turbo Search
- ✔️ Email Templates
- ✔️ HTML in Composer
- ✔️ Follow-up Reminders
- ✔️ Priority Inbox
- ✔️ Two-Factor Authentication
- ✔️ Contact Groups
- ✔️ Send Later
- ✔️ Send as Alias
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